Monday, March 8, 2010

Spring Cleaning Tips for the Garage

While spring cleaning is a seasonal rite of passage for many, the cleaning often stops at the garage door. But if you can get the garage organized and provide appropriate shelter for your belongings you'll reap benefits that last well beyond spring.

In honor of the fifth year anniversary of National Garage Organization Month (coming in April 2010), below are a few spring cleaning tips just for the garage.

Roll up the hose: Come spring, you'll find yourself using the hose again to water the lawn or wash your car. Instead of cramming the hose in the corner of your garage, invest in a piece of Gear Track and a Deep Hook that will secure the hose to the wall for easy access and storage.

Hang the bike: If the warmer weather has you exploring the neighborhood on two wheels, getting to the bike and storing it in the garage can cause all sorts of headaches. Try the Gladiator Claw Advanced Bike Storage which lets you store your bike by its rear tire, clearing up valuable floor space. The intuitive push-lock mechanism allows you to hang or release the bike in one motion.

Keep the sporting goods tidy:
If spring time means play time in your family, you might suffer from soccer balls, footballs and basketballs rolling around the garage floor. This can be unsightly and also dangerous as you can trip on a loose ball. Help keep things in place with the Gladiator Ball Caddy which mounts to the wall and has openings along the front so you don't have to dig deep to retrieve what you need.

To encourage consumers to clean the garage this spring, Gladiator brand will be offering 15% off all products and 10% off all appliances on starting April 1.

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